You are my Friend

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Stakeholders: Friends and Friends of Friends
I am sure you have heard this before, a one liner aimed at gaining trust, and something we all like to believe.

They looked directly into my eyes, "I am your friend", a recent memory, well it seems recent as it was so profound yet a big lie.

- Did they really believe it themselves?

- Did they want to mislead you?

What does this really mean?

  • I will support you
  • I want to hear your pain
  • I understand

Unfortunately today, very few follow through with meaningful action, ASK YOURSELF. When did I last say something similar and what actions did I take? Did I really mean it? Did I have self interests at play? Likelihood is, you or you know someone that used the statement flipantly, or worse lied.

I am simply astounded by how easy folks throw out these messages, it seems without regard to potential consequences for either party.

Still don't know where I am going with this, but it needs talking about, needs an advocate, needs to be said.